So well , what better than a movie ticket-booking website to know whats ON!
I searched for the movies NOW PLAYING.
Too many choices and i didn't know about a single one! So i decided to google each one of them.
I finalized two : Rio(animated)
and Just Go with it (starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler).
Finally i went for Just Go with it, not because it had better reviews than Rio or i have a crush on Adam Sandler , but for the simple reason that its Show time matched with my friend's plan :)
We drove to the multiplex only to find the parking FULL almost for 3 floors and then we finally found the slot on the 4th- the floor at which our movie was about to play.We reached bang on time: 1.14pm ... and managed to get the tickets.Didn't miss a thing ...yayyyyyy! I had gone there to enjoy the ambiance ,if not the movie as the reviews spoke about how this movie had nothing new, was a remake of some french movie ,and everything discouraging!
And I'm happy to tell you folks, this movie was a refreshing one.A funny romantic drama with just perfect characters played by adorable actors!
Adam Sandler is a bachelor cosmetic surgeon .His sweet and smart assistant(Jennifer Aniston) agrees to simplify things for Mr.Sandler's marriage to his new found interest,the hot girl,Palmer(Brooklyn Decker), who's a teenage school teacher.
Without disclosing much of the plot and sticking to the review , i would say this movie maintains a cheerful rhythm throughout its course with Adam's jokes and Jennifer's embarrassments.Its a delight to watch the two cute kids in the plot who act overly smart for their ages- the girl an aspiring actress and the boy- who knows how to get a trip to Hawaii sponsored for himself(Jennifer Aniston's kids from a failed marriage)!And then ofcourse Adam's brother joins the Hawaii trip and annoys Jennifer with embarrassing lies!
Another surprise package is Nicole Kidman who enters the movie in the next half as Jennifer's stunning old school pal ,now, a boisterous lady.
In the end when Adam Sandler finds his true love and Jennifer and Nicole have a frank talk about how each lied about the other, the low-tone background score brings a deja-vu- the song by Bob Marley- Waiting in vain, which also was a part of another romantic flick- Serendipity!
What, a nice touchy Happy ending- where no one goes without a frown!
And i end up my happy movie with a Dominoes happy menu pizza, bread-sticks and a mock-tail juice :)
Verdict: Good.
Go and watch if you want a light -hearted comedy.The tag of a 'remake' doesn't make the film unworthy of a watch.This movie is made very well with all the fun elements in place.Not a single moment of boredom! JUST GO WITH IT !
India Release Date: 8 April 2011
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