{ E.D.I.T.O.R.I.A.L } A William Morris summer - II

Hey folks!

This is part 2 of my William Morris Editorial and i thought it would only be fitting if you read the idea about this editorial in the previous blogpost! So click here to read why i created this editorial series in the first place! Once you have read the post, come back to this photo-heavy post :)

" There are so many reasons i came out with this editorial.

1) The William Morris obsession
2) My love for Dullstroom
3) Never have my editorials been so WEARABLE

Now , let me take you through the above , one by one. READ HERE. "


Thanks to H&M INDIA website, i could lay hands on this last remaining blazer which is not even my size! While pants were available even in Joburg , they were at a much higher price point and so i got these from india website and they were at 20% off. Funnily enough the pants had to be sized up 2 sizes - beat that! Whats with H&M and its sizes?! You clearly cannot trust them off the online shelf. Glad i tried them in store ! I am a size 10 but i still got size 12 and it worked though not very comfortably as did the 14!
Now, the blazer - the blazer my dear fashionistas is overly oversized ! While i don't know what a size 10 would've looked, this was size 14 and its extremely lose ! Generally for blazers i size up 1 size and it works. So ideally this should have been an ok fit if it was a standard fit - but no! I am not complaining here as i needed this jacket to make my dream look work - so here it is! Don't miss my favourite classic Raybans though and my Kolhapuri chappals peaking! I didn't intend to wear these but my lower back was in a terrible condition. I am wearing my heels too but you won't see them due to the tall grass!




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