Jiah Khan - the last I saw her!

I would have never written about my brief interaction with the lady in her glittering best at the Vogue 5th Anniversary party last year,( Remember how excited I was about the party? And the post that followed it -http://goo.gl/b1yF8) if it  wasn't for the news that is making the rounds today. I saw the update from MissMalini -'Jiah Khan Suicide 'and clicked ignorantly believing it to be the name of some new movie! To my disbelief , it wasn't a joke. Jiah Khan is indeed no more!

From what i saw of her in my brief interaction, was a lady with loads of 'You don't know, who I am' attitude. Of course, you cannot judge a person in such a small conversation.Maybe she was not comfortable with strangers approaching her.Nonetheless, I saw a lady who looked distanced from the crowd.Somebody called her- Jiah & she retorted with a frown- I am Nafisa. She had then decided to come back to her original name.She looked beautiful. More than what she looks in this picture which was clicked that day.Her presence could not be ignored.Fierce features, a glowing skin. In fact I was amazed why her beauty was never exploited on screen. In the past 2 years we are repeatedly hearing of actresses giving up on life so early, and its sad she has joined the bandwagon.Today, I am writing this not to tell you what i think of her, but to give you a very important message in life.

If you feel you have had the worst life and things are not working out for you , please hang on. If the thought of suicide crosses your mind, hang on- not to the ceiling fan but to the moment. Tell your parents that your mind is flooded with such thoughts or your spouse. Give them a chance to fill your world with sunshine.Just try this, before you take away the gift of life!

This post is not one of those regular posts, but i felt the need to share this message with all you readers out there. Choose Glee.Make Happiness a habit. Yes, even i try my best to practice this :)



  1. I don't know what psyche forces to take such extreme steps. Why people don't understand that the worst situation is actually the best situation. At that point there is nothing left to lose so why to miss this opportunity of gain only situation :-)


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