{ Beauty } What is causing hair damage?

As a child, if there was 1 thing I would run from , that was oiling my hair! As I grew up, hair fall, dandruff, split ends became regular visitors. Pollution, stress levels, sun, erratic lifestyles, inadequate diets, etc., started playing havoc with my hair. 

It became all the more necessary to take do something about hair damage. The easiest way to battle the damage is being friends with Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut hair oil.After 5 weeks of use,its a relief to see that  a hair oil can control damage to the hair. Split ends are a regular occurrence for most of us. This makes the hair very brittle and they start breaking off. Another hair damage is due to excessive use of chemical products on the hair and scalp. The product build-up leads to follicles getting choked. This hampers hair growth. Dabur Vatika hair oil nourishes the follicles to assist hair growth. It also smooths the hair strand and makes it resistant to breakage. Here's a low-down on the ingredients in this oil which make it powerful. The hair lose their shine as they dehydrate with chemical use. The ingredients in this oil bring back the lustre making your hair shine with health.

 Lets have a look at the ingredients :


Amla or the Indian gooseberry is a green wonder, especially for your hair. Whether you consume it or apply it locally, it is sure to give you long, lustrous locks and sort out all your other hair problems as well.Besides gloss, Amla also prevents pre-mature hair greying, treats lice as well as dandruff. 

For more on AMLA, read here.

Lemon improves the health of hair follicles. In fact regularly drinking lime juice can also rid your hair of toxins. It also acts as a scalp cleanser by removing the product build-up giving your follicles space to grow!

Henna restores the acid-alkaline balance of hair besides being a natural conditioner. It also helps in treating dandruff and covering greys.
 Coconut oil has a long list of benefits. Where do i start from? Perhaps it will be best to hit this link on the website: https://www.mybeautynaturally.com/natural-hair-care/pages/7-tips-and-benefits-of-coconut-oil-for-hair.aspx#
 Most importantly, in my previous write-up I shared how I oil my hair. But I am repeating this again in short:

Massage Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil onto your scalp thoroughly.
Allow the oil to penetrate through your scalp by leaving it for an hour.
Rinse your hair thoroughly and notice a healthy shine instantly.And yes, Dabur Vatika has gone a mile ahead to bring you all the tips and tricks on one single address. Read it anywhere ,while you have a little time: 
Visit : https://www.mybeautynaturally.com/oilopedia/vatika.aspx


  1. Thanks for delivering the best suggestion. Also check dabur amla hair oil to improve your hair growth


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